Thursday, April 16, 2009

Centurion Workout

This work out is based on doing sets of 100 reps. Choose a weight that you can press at least 7 times Use the same bell for all reps.

You must do a complete warm up. Don't forget joint mobility for your neck and ankles.

Shoot for 7 or more sets, but use you head safety first, the Bells are always waiting.


1 KB Row 5 reps each side
1 KB Lying Chest Press 5 reps each side
1 KB Sumo Deadlift 10 reps
1 KB Shoulder Press 5 reps each side
1 KB 1 hand Swing 10 reps each side
1 KB Cleans 10 reps each side
1 KB High Pull 10 reps each side

Try not to take any breaks until you complete the list. Keep the rest under a minute.


1 comment:

pagirl0872 said...

Yeah, this workout was NO JOKE...even after the complaining, I stayed on Team KB!!! I may try it again this weekend. Possibly?!?