Thursday, June 23, 2011

How it all began

I came across this picture today and it reminded me of how the whole plant base life style began for me. Like many of my cohorts at the gym my focus was on Protein. A typical day was 6 egg whites, soy cheese and spinach for breakfast, chicken and salad lunch. Turkey roll ups for snack, and more chicken or fish for dinner. One apple was my big time fruit. That seems like ages ago. Well in fact it was 2 years ago according to these pictures. I started with a Vinegar/Lemon water and Veggie/fruit juice fast. I was so excited and had an excellent coach at the time so it was pretty easy. It's funny what you can do when your motivated and determined.

Total change is possible, but it does take real effort, token change gets token rewards.

Be determine to make a big change today!!

Try Try Again

If at first you don't succeed try try again! Well who ever said that was brilliant. So I have tried many times to blog because I think it's a great way to keep your self on track and share what you learn with others.

So the point of this blog is to share with you my Nutrition and Fitness Coaching. I also would like to pay it forward when it comes to motivation I have received tons of support and motivation on my Journey to wellness so I hope I can do the same for someone else!!

I have been a Kettlebell instructor for over 4 years now and I must say that I truly love it. The Bell put me on the straight narrow when it comes to fitness so it is my consistent weapon of choice. I do however use several other tools, like barbells, balls, bands and TRX to name a few. It's important to mix it up and keep challenging yourself.

My Nutrition philosophy is primarily Plant based whole foods, I support people in whatever there goals are when it comes to food. If you like to eat lean meat and fish, I am knowledgeable on how to plan a nutritional eating plan which includes those foods as well. What I don't know I am honest about and I am happy to refer you to someone who might be helpful.

I encourage every one to measure what they want to be successful at, here's a few things I'm measuring at the moment:

Sleep 6.5 quality hours not bad at all for me - the goal is 7-8
Prayer/Meditation 20 minutes - the goal is 30 mins in the am but 20 is better than nothing
Exercise 35 minutes - good work out Back Squats, Rows and Ab work
Stress/attitude Good - those who mind didn't matter and those that matter didn't mind
Food Great the plan was for a light day after yesterday sweet indulgence!
Green vegetable juice, watermelon, big dinner salad, lentil&cabbage soup

Whew one blog done hopefully many more to come.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Friday Folks

I recently went to the Living Light Institute for a Science of Nutrition Course it was 103 very intense hours but I passed the course with flying colors!

I also had a great time in Northern California, it is a truly beautiful area. I met some wonderful people including the owner of the school Cherie Soria. She was very kind, gracious and had clearly found a balance in her life. I bought one of her books Raw Food Revolution Diet. So far I have made the Broccoli Tahini Pate and a couple salad dressings and soups. More pictures and information to follow have a great day!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Blog

Happy first day of May folks!!

Do you like the new logo, I love it, my friend at work has her own design business and she designed it for me.

Stay tuned for lots of great new info coming your way soon!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Keep on keeping on.

I'm all for thinking positive and being as positive as possible regardless of what is going on in your life, so I was reading a blog and stumble over some great information from Helen Keller and I want to share a piece of it with you. When you think of what she was able to accomplish being blind in the 1800's it has to inspire you to do more with your day and to make a true effort to reach some of your goals. So many times I hear people say that eating a certain way or doing a exercise routine didn't work for them but in most cases it seems that the person didn't reach the goal because they didn't stick with it. So if you need a little encouragement to keep pushing toward your goals when things get tough try thinking of Helen Keller. This is an exert that I really like, if you would like to read the entire article go to

Keep on keeping on.

“We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.”

Now, doing amazing things will probably not happen over a weekend. One big reason that people don’t get what they want may just be that they give up too soon. Perhaps because of a magic pill mentality where their expectations about success are stuck within a too small time-frame.

To get the results you have stick with it. You have to persist. Not all people do. So the longer you persist the thinner the playing field can become. But how can you persist?

Three suggestions:

  • Find what you really, really want to do. This will give you the sustained inner motivation to keep going.
  • List the reasons why to keep going. It’s easy to forget about all the good things that can come out of keeping on going. So you need to remind yourself. Write down all the reasons why you are doing what you are doing and review that piece of paper regularly.
  • Shape your own little world. Choose what you let into your mind. Choose the books, music, movies and people that will inspire and support you. Minimize the negative influences from media, various websites and naysayers. Don’t let other people and influences pull you down and back to where you started.

I hope you are inspired to make some changes in your fitness and eating goals in necessary.

Tip of the day: Fruit is cleansing make it your habit to start your day with a piece of sweet fruit. It will help you push waste through your system faster and give you a little boost. If you are a coffee drinker try it before your coffee it will give you a more sustainable boost!

Have a great day


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Morning's and Green Smoothie

I love Sunday morning, it is great to have a slow morning. I didn't feel like a hard workout this morning so I went for a short jog/walk for 30 minutes and then 15 rebounder session. I picked the flowering weeds on my walk and they made a nice addition to my window. Finding ways to bring simple pleasures to your day is key in this crazy world. Physical exercise and a cleansing drink helps the body get ready for what ever is coming next. Have a great day!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


It was a great weekend in Philly, lots of sunshine and a generally calm vibe was in the air. When the weekend is nice it can be hard to stop and start thinking about Monday but it is vital to our success.

Planning our food and exercise for the week is the best way to stay on track and start the week with a little less stress. I start planning on Sunday morning and then pick up anything I might need to make my meals for the next few days. If you don't normally plan ahead it may be best to make it simple. You can make a big salad, line the bowl with paper towel and keep the moist veggies in a separate container. Lettuce can stay fresh for about 5 days if kept properly. If you are a meat eater your can cook a few turkey or chicken breast in advance and they will be all ready to go! My choice is usually soaked and sprouted chickpeas.

Wash your fruit and prepackage any other dry snacks that you are eating. (ex. 10 almonds)

If you tend to rush around in the morning, try putting all your goodies in your lunch bag the night before and you can truly grab and go for a lot less money and in most case you will be having a much more nutritional meal.


Once again planning is very important, you need to know at the beginning of the week what you plan for exercise is and how much time you can allot for it. It is also best to keep a log of what you are doing and with what intensity.

I will be posting some workouts this week so if you need some new ideas stay tuned!