Monday, June 8, 2009

My painful NY weekend

Hey Ladies,

This weekend I went to NY for a Kettlebell Instructors weekend workshop. You would all be happy to know they made me hobble. I think I should buy stock in Ben gay and Epson salt!

So guess what, I want to share it all with you... Now actually we also talked a lot about motivating and pushing people but modifying enough so that every one gets a good workout but works at there own fitness level.

I had a lot of fun and it was great to hear the way Kettlebells have changed peoples bodies.
As I have been telling many of you it's time to get focused so you can start to get the best that your body has to offer. Like me you have probably only tapped the surface.

So now to some house keeping stuff:

I hope to see you all in class this week, so please drop me email or text and let me know if you are attending class and what day you are attending this week. As you guys know my classes are small groups so it helps me greatly to know who is attending and if everyone is having a bad night we know that there may be times that we need to cancel.

Several ways to save..............
June and July is friends and family month. So if you bring a friend to class you will receive a 20% discount. If you bring a guest to the Kettlebell Boot camp on Saturday June 27th you will get $5.00 of the fee. Last but not least leads are worth a $1.00, so if you know someone who might be interested and you would like me to send them some information send me there email or phone number and you will receive $1.00 off your class cost.

I will have flyers for you on Thursday so that you can invite people to the Boot Camp. The location may be changing to Cheltenham high school's field but I will keep you all posted.

I truly appreciate the opportunity to work with all of you. So let me know what class you are coming to this week and let's get focused on your goals.


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