Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No Excuses

Ok we are right in the middle of a busy week for most of us, so here are a few tips to stay on track.

Today might be the last day before you get your hair done to have a great sweaty workout so plan to work out today. If time is tight try this quickie:

Snatch or High Pull 10 times each hand
Clean the bell and Press Overhead 5 times each side
Squat 5 times
Burpee w/Deadlift 5 times
(squat trust and when you stand up deadlift
the bell)
1 hand Swings 10 times each hand
Russian Twist 20 times

Complete 5 rounds - this is quick and a great strength and Cardio Combo

For those of you planning your lunch and dinner for the next few days, don't forget to use your imagination and come of with some alternatives to cookies, chips and candy everyday.

Try making a colorful fruit salad ( I have watermelon, kiwi, mango and grapes) and maybe some of the good all natural bars, less calories more energy and still sweet. If salty is your thing make up your own combo so it's not all high fat and process. One mix is combination of nuts, small wheat pretzels and popcorn.

Remember you can not constantly stop and start your program and ever reach your goal.

Remind yourself of your goal every day and you will get there and you know I'm here to help.

Stay Strong and Get Fit ---- Boot camp is right around the corner!!!!

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